School Tours
At Yarra Road Primary School we are committed to ensuring all students and their families feel welcome and a part of our school community. Prospective families that are interested in enrolling at Yarra Road Primary School are invited to book a school tour. We understand that this is a very important and exciting decision.
To assist you in making this very important and exciting decision, we have arranged a variety of group and private school tours. These tours will enable you to see the school at work and to ask questions of the Principal and/or Assistant Principal. Bookings are necessary and can be made using the ‘Book a tour’ button below. Our comprehensive guided school tours run for approximately 45 minutes. If you are booking a tour please indicate how many adults (Max. 2) will be attending to help us ensure a more personalised experience.
We also invite our wider community and prospective families to visit our school outside of school hours, on weekends and school holiday breaks.
You can watch our Virtual School tour from the comfort of your own home by clicking on the ‘Watch here’ button below.
To book a tour for Prep 2025 enrolment, please click on the ‘Book a tour’ button below. If you would like a tour for Years 1-6, please contact the school office on 9723 4182.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on 9723 4182 or by emailing the school at yarra.road.ps@education.vic.gov.au
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you soon.
Enrolment Information
Book a tour
Group tours available
Virtual Tour
Watch our Virtual School tour
To be enrolled in a state primary school for Prep year, a child must turn five years of age on or before 30 April of the enrolment year. Your child must be at school in the year that they turn six years of age. This is the compulsory school starting age. If you hold any concerns about your child’s readiness for school, please speak with your child’s pre-school teacher. Prior to commencing school you are required to provide the below documents to support your child’s enrolment.
Supporting documentation for enrolment
- Evidence of identity and date of birth (for example, a birth certificate or passport)
- Immunisation History Statement
- Health information about your child including Asthma Plans or information related to allergies, anaphylaxis or any other medical conditions (if relevant)
- Other legal orders documentation relating to your child and their welfare
Find my School
Use Find my School to locate your designated neighbourhood school (referred to as your local school) and other nearby government schools.
Tips for starting and returning to school
Back to school is an exciting time for students and families. Find tips on how you can help your child have a positive start to school.
Enrolling in primary school for 2025 - Timeline
Useful information and a timeline for enrolling your child into primary school for 2025.
2025 Prep Digital Application/Enrolment Guide
This form has been designed to support Prep families when applying for a place at Yarra Road Primary School.
Year 1-6 Digital Application/Enrolment Guide
This form has been designed to support Year 1-6 families applying for a place at Yarra Road Primary School.
Digital Enrolment – Quick Reference Guide
This form was created by the Department of Education to support the digital enrolement process at Yarra Road Primary School.
Student Additional Enrolling Adults Form 2025 (Fillable PDF format)
Parents/carers who live seperately have the option of completing the same above enrolment form. Alternatively seperate forms can still be used where there is a preference or concern.
Privacy Collection Notice
The Privacy Collection Notice explains how the department, including Victorian goverment schools, handles personal and health information.
Photography, Filming And Recording Consent Form and Collection Notice
This notice applies to photographs, video or recordings of students that are collected, used and disclosed by the school.
Prep Transition Program
Yarra Road Primary School runs a comprehensive program to get Kindergarten children ready for their first year of Primary School.
Prepare your child for school by attending our Transition Sessions during Term 4.
Our experienced Prep teachers will take your child on an exciting venture into primary education through art, music, stories, drama, outdoor play and much, much more.
This program is available for all children entering Prep at Yarra Road Primary School in 2025.
The program takes preschool children on their first steps in primary education. Prep teachers will help your children become accustomed to school, building their confidence for their Prep year.
Sessions are held in the Prep classrooms and include sessions with our P.E, Music, Indonesian, STEM and Art specialist teachers.
Buddy Program
The transition into primary school can be quite overwhelming for some children. This daunting feeling can continue once the child begins school. To make school-life easier for Prep students, Yarra Road Primary School offers a Buddy Program. On a very regular basis, students in Year 5 and Prep get together for some fun, educational activities.
Each Prep child is paired with a Year 5 student and they participate in a range of activities from Teddy Bear’s Picnics and engaging craft activities to using technology, such as computers and iPads.
The Buddy Program continues for the students in the following year (Year 1 and Year 6), fostering a real sense of belonging and friendship.
Year 1 – 6 Transition
Stepping In, Stepping Up and Stepping Out
Stepping In – During the Year
Children frequently move house, or circumstances can change, and Yarra Road Primary School routinely welcomes new students into our classes during the year. We work hard to ensure the children feel happy and secure in their new environment. Class teachers will match up current children with new children, to act as guides and friends. Parents are invited to discuss any issues they may have with teachers and special needs are taken into account. If parents know they will move children within the near future, an invitation is extended for those children to spend a day or so with us , to get a feel of our school prior to commencing.
Stepping Up – From One Year Level to the Next
The Yarra Road Stepping Up Program, held towards the end of Term 4, supports the transition of students from one year level to the next. Over several sessions, the specially tailored program allows children to spend time with their future peers and teacher. The children explore similarities and differences to expect in their new class level as they work for short periods of time in their new environment.
Stepping Out – Year 6 to Secondary School
Children from Yarra Road Primary School attend various secondary colleges, and the Year 6 teachers work cooperatively with the Year 7 coordinators of these schools to ensure the best hand-over possible. We have a strong liaison with local secondary colleges through many student projects and programs including school visits, speech competitions, shared projects, production visits, Work Experience and Community Service Programs. These activities help our current Year 5 and 6 children understand a little more of the day-to-day life of secondary colleges.