
School Profile


To develop confident, engaged learners with the cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills to connect them to their expanding world.


Our values: Kindness, Safety and Respect strongly represent our culture and community, and are integral to the life of our school, underpinning all that we do.

Our motto, “Enjoying the Road to Success”, sits alongside our values, expressing endeavour, achievement and hopes for the future, along whichever pathway or direction is chosen.



We ensure our conduct is respectful of others, ourselves and our environment.


 We treat others, and ourselves, with care and compassion, valuing rights, opinions and feelings.


We have individual and collective responsibility to ensure the physical and emotional safety of ourselves and others.

In our school community these values are demonstrated when:

  • All decisions made are based on the premise of improved outcomes for all students.
  • Students, teachers and parents feel that they are treated fairly at all times.
  • Partnerships between students, staff, parents and the wider community are fostered and valued.
  • Success and effort are acknowledged and celebrated.
  • Students have the opportunity to learn in a positive, dynamic, motivating and caring environment.
  • Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and their behaviour.
  • Students and teachers are expected to achieve their personal best.
  • Students are encouraged to take responsible and calculate risks.
  • Students, teachers and parents are encouraged to believe that they can achieve their goals and their dreams.
  • Students, teachers and parents respect and value the individual differences of all members of our community.
  • Students, teachers and parents display a resilient nature realising that not everything goes as planned and are prepared to negotiate and compromise a solution.

Guiding Principles:

Parents and staff are committed to encourage all children to achieve their maximum potential, intellectually, physically, emotionally, culturally and socially by promoting a safe, caring and purposeful school environment.



Yarra Road Primary School located, in Croydon, began in a single classroom with four students in 1925. Prior to this, the local children travelled by foot or horse to Wonga Park Primary School. In 1925 a Miss Alice G. Broad was appointed as the first teacher at the school which was set amongst the gum trees and native flora of its current site.

In 1948, the school residence was erected and was first occupied by the Head Teacher, Mr G. Collis, his wife and five children. The school remained as a one teacher school until 1958 when a second classroom was opened and the first assistant teacher was appointed. Three more classrooms and a teachers’ room were added in 1969 and the netball court was built in 1972.

Over the years the students at Yarra Road Primary School have achieved many successes, both academically and on the sporting field, an area in which the school has a strong history.

In 1989, a retired Preston line W2 class tram was relocated to the front of the school. This tram was used to shelter students from the weather and provide them with a play area. It quickly became a feature of the school which was affectionately known as ” the school with the tram” throughout the district. Unfortunately, age and the difficulty in obtaining replace-ment panels caught up with the “Old W2” requiring its removal in 2003.

Whilst the school’s enrolments gradually increased through the 1970s and 1980s, Yarra Road continued to have a country school atmosphere well into the next decade. With the growth of the area throughout the 1990s, and this decade the Department of Education realised that the school‘s facilities needed upgrading, a two stage building program was started. The first stage, which consisted of the new block of seven classrooms and student toilets, was completed in 2001 and the second stage added the administration block, gymnasium, library and canteen, finishing two years later.

In the early hours of Thursday 5th August 2004, a school fire destroyed four of the older classrooms and their adjoining resource areas. Outstanding work from the Wonga Park CFA prevented the fire from spreading to the new classroom blocks and whilst the devastation caused was overwhelming, a cheer broke out as one of the fireman emerged from the smoky ruins with five newly born chickens alive and well. With great support from our neighbouring schools and businesses, the school set out to rebuild the lost classrooms and replace the resources that had built up over many years. It was through this time that the people of Yarra Road really showed their community spirit as they all worked feverishly to get the school operational again.

Croydon’s Yarra Road Primary School proudly continues to provide quality education, sporting and social experiences for its students and community. We believe that our motto, “Enjoying The Road To Success”, encapsulates the history, culture, achievements and hopes for the future of all students, teachers and community members who have made Yarra Road Primary School the school it is today and will continue to be in the future.


Yarra Road Primary School celebrating 90 years

House System

At Yarra Road Primary School all our students are members of a House team.
The names of our Houses are related to pioneers of the Croydon district.

Turner House (RED)

Mr Turner was the first landowner of the Croydon District in 1840s.

Gatter House (GREEN)

Mr Gatter owned the school land and surrounds prior to 1883.

Power House (YELLOW)

Thomas Power was also a land owner of the school site. The land was purchased from him for the school in 1901.

Wilson (BLUE)

Wilson was the name of a bus company that operated along Yarra Road in the 1930s.

School Strategic Plan

Annual Report