
Welcome to

Yarra Road Primary School | Croydon

,,Thank you for your interest in Yarra Road Primary School located in Croydon. A very warm welcome is extended to all current, future and prospective parents. Yarra Road Primary School has a proud history and an exciting future. Families can approach our school with confidence that their children will be cared for and challenged in a warm and welcoming environment.

At Yarra Road Primary School we work as a collaborative school community to ensure the full academic, social and physical development and enrichment of every child.

As students are our number one priority, we provide a learning environment where people flourish. Our comprehensive academic program is underpinned by a consistent approach to student wellbeing, based on our school’s values of Safety, Kindness and Respect. Our motto, “Enjoying the Road to Success”, sits beside our values and reinforces the notion of achievement. The school highly values education as a partnership of children, staff, parents and the local community. 

It is a privilege to lead Yarra Road Primary School and share our school with prospective parents and students. Please call our office on 9723 4182 if you would like to join a school tour and see for yourself why Yarra Road Primary School is Croydon’s best kept secret!


Ken Darby

Watch our Virtual School Tour

We would like to thank the following people for their contribution in the making of this video. Thank you to Matthew Stroddart – Production, Shanae Stevens – Vision and Organisation, Ciaran Hanley – Drone Photography, Marcus The School Photographer and the YRPS staff for still photos.